Love and Food in the Big D

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Everleigh Isabella Kelley - 22 Months and Counting

Dear Sweet Baby Bear,

For the past 22 months that I've been doing these monthly blog entries for you... telling your stats, new found tricks, words and phrases, I always thought that on that particular month you had grown and developed in leaps and bounds over the previous month.  Seems like everyday is something new.  Words are becoming more clear, your understanding of what is going on around you is evident, and you're beginning to formulate all your new found words into new found SENTENCES! Even with all the changes that I know are happening, you still amaze me everyday.  By with what you know, what you've learned when we aren't even paying attention, and by the love and joy you share and show us every single day.  We definitely have our share of frustrating moments, crying fits and tantrums that come without warning, but every day our love for you grows exponentially.  We are so proud of you baby bear.  You've made these past 22 months better than I could have ever imagined.  :)  

Love, Mama Bear & Papa Bear 

And because it was too dang HOT to even consider taking our monthly photo shoot outside, here's my little Baby Bear selfie series...with mostly close-ups and a mama bear sighting. ;) 

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