Love and Food in the Big D

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Taking Flight...

Being ever so diligent about keeping my outlook calendar up to date, I’m going to rely on it now to give you a quick run down of the last few FABULOUS months of my life…

March 30, 2008 Taking the leap! (LITERALLY)

So, aside from meeting my future hubby (Mr. Chad Kelley)…whom, I might add, I had yet to meet at this point, March 30th was the most THRILLING, death defying day of my entire life… and it was AMAZING!! On a whim, and completely lost of ALL my sensibilities, I decided to join my CRAZY co- workers SKYDIVING!!! I must have lost all my crackers that day… but boy was it a RUSH!! It was nothing like you would expect it to be. Here are a few pictures of my free fall!! WHEEEEEEEEE!!!





MADE IT! Whew!!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Every girls DREAM...

In an effort to catch everyone up on the happenings of my life for the past few months.. I'm going to back track a bit. Posting old blogs probably seems like a silly thing to do, but since I'm a creature of organization and need to see things labeled month by month, I find it helpful to just pretend I'm back in March typing this for the very first time. Let's see how much I can recall with my very very limited memory capabilities. :)