Love and Food in the Big D

Friday, May 13, 2011

Vetro Masterpieces - Reveal

Because I know many of you have been waiting ever so patiently for our… (pause …wait for it… wait for it… both arms raised to the sky and said in a loud, much more magnanamus voice)… and I know magnanamus is a made up word… just go with it…  ;)…...... GRAND REVEAL!  I’ve decided to no longer keep you in suspense… 

Seen here… for the first time.. since, well… we received them….

Our MINI MASTERPIECES… (cue the dorky arms raised bit again… just for fun.  ;)

Yvette's Flower with Swirly Stem... (as if you couldn't figure that out already ;) 

And now Mr. Kelley's Mini Work of Art... (Aren't they so pretty?!)  We done good. ;)

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