Dear sweet snuggle bear,
In the weeks and even months leading up to your arrival, so many mothers had told me (in passing and seemingly non chalantly) how wonderful having a baby would be and how my life would ultimately change after your birth. Not realizing or understanding the shear depth of their statements, I obviously agreed.. Rationalizing the inevitable change that was about to take place in our lives. We, (well I) was growing a tiny, little HUMAN BEING in my belly for crying out loud.. OF COURSE life was about to change!
But nothing in this world could've adequately prepared me, or my heart for you. Or the overwhelming emotions I've felt since you were born. Or how incredibly amazing you'd be. Or the incredible LOVE that I now understand. It is beyond measure. Beyond explanation. The change that has taken place in me, in the last 3 weeks since you've joined our family was nothing I could've prepared myself for. No matter who I talked to or what any mother tried to explain to me. Before September 25, 2012, I had absolutely no idea what being a mother would really, truly feel like.
The morning after your first night at home :)
Saturday, September 29, 2012
To be honest, in the dorkiest way possible, I almost felt like I had joined this "not so secret society" of women that were bonded by this common understanding that took place once you became a mother. All the mothers before me that had felt what I felt.. Had experienced child birth like I had just experienced and loved their children like I was loving you. It was all of a sudden very clear what (I didn't even realize before) that my life had been missing.. YOU!
It was almost instantaneous really. The moment I heard your cry when you were pulled out of me in that operating room, I couldn't control my tears. You were real. You were present in our lives now... And most importantly you were OURS. I loved you in my belly. For nine months I carried you safely in there.. But from the moment you came out, I was completely and utterly overwhelmed with a love I've never known before. A love so unconditional and so powerful.. No words could adequately do it justice.
You slept so well that first night at home :)
These last 3 weeks have been the best weeks of my life. Despite the exhaustion.. Despite the upheaval of life as we had once known it before. Life has become exponentially sweeter.. and I wouldn't change a thing.
Every day I fall in love with you more and more...
- I love your sweet sideways smile..that I'm sure is just a reflex right now..but I like to think it's just for me and daddy cause we're so funny and you're so happy to be ours.. :)
- I love your sweet baby smell, even though you're definitely due for another sponge bath :)
- I love your little baby sounds, and the way you grunt and groan when you're "filling your diaper" :)
- I love how you're obviously already having dreams (even at two days old!! What do babies dream about at 2 days old?!)
- I love your sweet down turned mouth as you cry when we change your diaper (you HATE those mean old cold wipies on your tushy :(
- I love how since the beginning you've been such a good eater and you took to a feeding schedule with no problem at all..
- I love how you can put yourself to sleep, without being rocked or bounced or without me having to carry you around the room til you fall asleep. Please don't change. This is one of my FAVORITE things about you....
- I love your sweet little (well HUGE) feet and long skinny toes that look so much like your dads
- I love your BIG, ROUND eyes that follow me when I talk to you... and that can still go a little wonky when you're trying to focus right after you wake up from a nap. ;)
- I love how you have yet to figure out your arms and legs.. and take any chance to kick and squirm your way out of a swaddle.
- I love your little ears and how they are exactly the size of your daddy's thumb.
- I love how your toots sometimes scare you... or how you can toot and sneeze at the same time
- I love that even though it make take a while to come out.. you can make your dad jealous with how loud your burps are
- I love your long lashes and light brown hair.. (and your baby mullet... longer hair coming in the back.. short on top. ;)
Monday, October 1, 2012
Morning of your first visit to the Pediatrician
Car ride to your check up :)
Mommy...swollen, exhausted but oh so in love with YOU!!
Waiting to get your measurements and weight
This visit you weighed 7lbs 5 oz and had grown a 1/4 of an inch, making you 20 1/4" long!
All tuckered out after being out and about
October 2, 2012
October 4, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012 after our second visit to the pediatrician
You scared us with these crazy wheezing and gasping sounds when you'd eat and sleep.
We didn't want to wait for our 2 week scheduled visit so we changed it to make sure you were ok.
We couldn't believe how much you'd grown in just a few days since our last visit to the pediatrician.
In just four days you'd gained 8oz and had grown ANOTHER 1/4"!
7lbs 13oz and now 20 1/2"
October 6, 2012
Oooooo.... Love my pretty girl. :)
Happy 2 weeks Baby Bear and Cheers to your original 10/9th due date :)
Can't believe how fast time flying by!
Little Miss Everleigh at 16 days old :)
Gig Em Aggies :)
Showing school pride for mommy's school!
In the onesie that you came home from the hospital in exactly 3 weeks ago.
It's just about too short for you and will surely be packed away in your memory box soon. :)
Happy 3 weeks Sweet Baby Bear.. Can't wait to see what the next 3 weeks has in store for us. :)
Have I told you that Grandma and Grandpa Maldonado are coming to visit soon!!
Can't wait!